Sunday, July 27, 2008

My Best Friend's Accident

Assalamualaikum and Good Day,

As u guys know, (or not know) our friend, Muhammad Safuan bin Ismail had been hit by a car while on a motorbike when he was on his way for dinner, around 10.00 p.m. 25th July, 2008. He was hit from behind, where he was sitting as the pessenger of the motorbike, and flung backwards and smashed on the car's front screen, on his head.

He was first admitted to the Tampin Hospital, (the incident occured at Jalan Tampin-Rembau), but due to his serious injury inside his head, he was then transfered to Tuanku Jaafar Hospital in Seremban. Through CAT Scan, the injury is cracking his back skull up to the upper jaw and of course, caused internal bleeding. The injury effects his sight, where he is now still seeing double eventhough the accident was to days ago.

He was vomitting blood, twice as I recalled.And of course, the nurse was and still is, nowhere when we need them. The doctors were and still are incompetent (freshgrad, with 1 month experience, no supervisor), and had to take care of almost 30 patient in one time.

But Safuan is progressing, though slowly, gradually. He is now able to eat a full McDonald's burger.

Still, his welfare, now and in the future is at risk. The injury inside his head might become something we don't want to think about. We are now fighting for a transfer for him, at least to be placed at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Hospital. But according to his warden, Bonda said that the college only covers government line hospital, and though HUKM is a semi-government hospital, the insurance only covers the government line of that hospital, which in my opinion, isn't much a different story with what we are facing now at the Tuanku Jaafar Hospital.

We want Safuan to be transfered to a private hospital, though no need of anything fancy, because we want a serious and thorough inspection and observation for his health. In this case, he was a mere victim to a reckless and mindless biker of his friend and a careless driver. I am pushing for a full cover which consists of medical billing and supports ie in education expenses and life supports. At least a one year observation of the condition of the injury.

Thus, for anyone out there who knows anyone who has a say, or authority to help his case, please give me a call so that we can arrange a meeting between Safuan's representative, so that his welfare doesn't be treated unfairly. In the mean time, I am setting a bank account for anyone who wants to give sincere donations to help his mother and himself through this hard time. I will post Safuan's mum account number together with a picture of her bank account for transparency.

For those who had time visited her for the last two days, we are acknowledging your presence. Thanks for your time and efforts. Those are:

Ahmad Fawwaz Dato' Muhammad Sharkar
Fashli Aziz Abdul Aziz
Logeswaran Selvaraja
Hud Jafni
Aina Syazwani
Mohammad Syafiq Fakharazzi

And also for those who asked and send their warmest get-well-soon:

Aaron Quay
Abang Saidin
Andi Rizal Za'ba
Chong Wen Cheng
Geethanjali Makenthiran
Hamidie Shaari
Kameel Hijjaz Zulkifli
Ms Marlina Alias Ali
Nadhirah Fauzi
Puan Rafidah Jaafar
Abdul Rauf Abdul Rahman
Siti Nasihah Nasurudin

And also to all of u , who for my mistake, cant remember but of course u know who u are.

Thank You.

Politik Penghancur Perpaduan

Pilihan Raya Umum ke 12 sudah hampir lebih 3 bulan berlalu. Namun, cakap-cakap mengenainya masih belum terdapat tanda-tanda akan surut. Pelbagai agenda-agenda, terutamanya agenda-agenda politik berbanding agenda-agenda untuk memantapkan ekonomi dan meningkatkan taraf hidup rakyat telah dilakukan. Kedua-dua pihak saling menaburkan janji-janji kosong dan tohmahan-tohmahan yang adakalanya tidak masuk diakal langsung.

Terbaru, salah sebuah parti politik dalam Pakatan Rakyat (PR) iaitu Parti Islam Se-Malaysia telah mengadakan apa yang dikatakan sebagai "muqabalah" oleh PAS bersama parti setru utama mereka, iaitu parti politik tunjang Barisan Nasional (BN) iaitu Pertubuhan Kebangsaan Melayu Bersatu atau UMNO. Kedua-dua parti seteru ini mengatakan bahawa muqabalah atau muzakarah (tak kisah lah apa ertinya sekali pun) adalah bagi membincangkan isu perpaduan Melayu dan masa depan bangsa Melayu dan agama Islam.

Keputusan Pilihan Raya yang lalu sudah jelas emnunjukkan bahawa rakyat sudah susut percaya terhadap kepimpinan BN yang diterajui oleh Perdana Menteri Pak Lah, malah rakyat telah memberikan mandat kuasa politik yang tidak pernah dalam sejarah Malaya atau Malaysia berlaku dimana kerajaan Persekutuan BN telah kehilangan 5 buah kerajaan negeri kepada PR. Sudah terang lagikan bersuluh, rakyat telah memberikan petanda amaran kepada Kerajaan BN bagi mengstruktur semula pentadbiran dan politik sebelum Pilihan raya yang seterusnya. Jelas sekali rakyat telah "melantik" kuasa baru PR bagi menjadi pemerhati agar kerajaan BN tidak lagi mengamalkan dasar-dasar autokratik dan diskriminasi. Dalam erti kata lain, rakyat Malaysia telah bersatu dan bersuara melalui peti-peti undi bahwa mereka inginkan perubahan.

Akan tetapi, ahli-ahli politik baik dari kerajaan BN mahupun PR seperti "membutakan mata, memekakkan telinga" akan suara rakyat yang ingin dan telah pun disampaikan. Mereka asyik melaungkan kata-kata dan ucapan-ucapan yang bagi saya boleh disabitkan dengan Akta Hasutan dan Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negara. Ucapan-ucapan berbaur perkauman seperti soal ketuanan Melayu dan kontrak sosial bagaikan cendawan tumbuh selepas hujan.

Apakah benar perpaduan Melayu yang merupakan bangsa terbesar dan majoriti di negara ini telah terhakis selepas rakyat menolak calon-calon UMNO? Adakah dengan pertambahan satu lagi ahli Parlimen bumiputra dalam Dewan Rakyat menunjukkan kuasa politik bumiputra terutamanya Melayu terhakis? Adakah dengan terlepasnya Pulau Pinang ke tangan Parti Tindakan Demokrasi (DAP) daripada Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia (Gerakan) bermakna Melayu sudah "merempat" di tanah air sendiri?

Rata-rata orang menceritakan tentang soal perpaduan Melayu dan agama Islam. Adakah tidak ada yang ingin mengutamakan perpaduan rakyat Malaysia dan mengukuhkan ekonomi yang kian hari semakin lembab dek hambatan kenaikan harga minyak di seluruh dunia? Kos sara hidup makin meningkat hari demi hari, harga bahan keperluan seperti beras, minyak masak, tepung dan gula telah melambung naik. Rakyat, tidak kira Si Cina yang Kaya, Si India yang Professional, Si Dusun yang Miskin mahupun Si Melayu yang Pemalas, telah kehilangan satu-satunya kuasa yang ada pada mereka; kuasa membeli.

Keadaan ekonomi yang kian lembab dan kadar inflasi yang semakin memuncak didorong ketidaktentuan politik rekaan ahli politik sendiri menyebabkan rakyat kehilangan punca. Kemiskinan semakin nyata di depan mata. Ada yang terpaksa mengorbankan pelajaran semata-mata untuk mengelakkan penambahan kos dalam perbelanjaan, ada yang mula membuat kerja-kerja sambilan, menyebabkan kualiti kerja merudum, sekaligus menggalakkan aktiviti-aktivit rasuah dan korup.

Dalam keadaan yang sempit lagi menyempitkan, ada pula yang sanggup tukar kereta baru!

Dan kini, PAS dan UMNO pula diuar-uarkan akan bergabung semula dalam sebuah parti yang baru. Apakah tindakan ini distimulasi oleh kepentingan rakyat secara menyeluruh atau kepentingan politik masing-masing sahaja atau lebih menakutkan usaha untuk mengukuhkan "superiority" sebuah bangsa ke atas bangsa-bangsa lain adalah tidak diketahui. Namun yang pasti, faktor utama pastinya bukan demi BANGSA MALAYSIA.

Sekiranya senario ini berterusan, usaha-usaha untuk mewujudkan sebuah Bangsa Malaysia dengan satu identiti dan satu rupa bangsa seakan-akan angan-angan Mat Jenin. Malah, Wawasan 2020 juga seolah-olah satu gurauan.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The True Way of Life

If I ask to Muslim people (including me, myself and I), what is the true way of life?
I am more than sure that we would say ; "Islam is the true way of life". Period. No question about it. Same goes to all folks of other religion. "Christianity, and only Christianity is the true way of life", "Judaism, and only Judaism is the true way of life"..bla bla bla...
And until currently, I am content with that, that me, as a believer of a religion called "Islam", would believe that my religion is the true way of life, and I am pretty sure that my friends of other religion have the same opinion as I do, not that they believe Islam is the true way of life, but they would also believe that their only religion is the true way of life. Simple English ; the believer of one religion would believe that the believer of other religion would not get to the heaven. American English ; they would all be burned in hell. Yes, i was content with that.

But until one sunny day, I went to our good ol' library (the Library), where somehow I suddenly picked up an Encyclopaedia (really hope that I get it spelled correctly, sigh...) about my beloved religion, and I flipped it open, and I came acrossed this article which stated an excerpt of a Firman, which says:(lebih kurang lah!!!)

"The believer of Christianity and Judaism claimed that to enter heaven, one has to be a Christian, or a Jew, which they were wrong. Anyone who submit himself to the God (One God) and do good deeds, will eventually go to heaven."

I was like, strucked by a lightning!NO!

It suddenly occured to me that, we are the same. Muslims, Christians and Jews, the Believer of the Book(s) are all going to heaven!

Well, not literally so, but I think (of course, my personal opinion!) regardless of what religion we believe in, I mean, whether Islam, Christianity or Judaism, as long as we believe in one God that is God Himself, we are eventually getting into the heaven. Because, we share the same faith, that is, as the Muslims called it the "Syahadah", which is the statement of witness that "There is NO GOD except GOD". Laillaha illa Allah. (FYI: I strongly believe that the word Allah means the GOD in Arabic, which does not only belongs to the God that Muslims believe. It is the GOD, which includes the God of the Christians, and also the Jews)

Of course, we don't know through the standard of proof or even standard of beyond any reasonable doubt that the religion we believe in is the true religion. That takes faith.

Alright, there might be only one religion that is truthfully sent down by God Himself through His messengers. I strongly believe that the religion of Moses, Jesus and Muhammad is the same religion. Maybe through out time, the original, one religion is gradually forgotten. Thus, making the religion kinda "split into three". And of course, legend and history has it that the Emperors, Shahs, Amirs might eventually "adapt" the original version of the religion for their own political prowess. For example, (just example, doesn't mean it true) the Roman Emperor had deliberately choose which Apostle to be included into the Holy Bible after the resurrection of Jesus Christ. (correct me if I'm wrong).

My point is, if the whole world except this idea, I'm pretty sure that the world would be a better place to live in for all people of all religion. The Muslims won't be harrassed just because they wear head scarf, the Christians won't be bombed in some pristine island, and the Jews will eventually reconciled with the Arabs.

Let us pray for world peace.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

My Father Said...

Yes, he is my father. I guess majority (if not all) young Malaysians of these days, regard him, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad as Our Father. He is the one who provides us with a sense of belonging, identity, spirit to come out tall and proud as being a Malaysian, though all of his efforts didn't get to the extent of creating Bangsa Malaysia.Not yet.

Last Saturday, he wrote again at his famous blog an article entitled, The Racist Card. He was explaining about the accusations that he is playing the racist card when he urged the Malays to buck up and perform through acquiring knowledge and skills, so that they deserve to be called "Tuan". A thousand applause for my father!

In a way, I agree with him about the creating of Bangsa Malaysia.One should not call for a common identity as bangsa Malaysia to be created if he or she still does not master the essence of creating a bangsa, which is the language and the culture.There are still many of us, the people of Malaysia, who doesn't really master Bahasa Malaysia.They speak with dialects, which somehow tarnish the beauty of the language.And they do not picture as a Bangsa Malaysia when speaking like that!

They keep on calling for vernacular schools to be set up, while the government are spending millions of ringgit to build Sekolah Kebangsaan, which in a way is to foster the sense of being a Bangsa Malaysia since primary school days.Yet they keep on accusing the government of being racist in favour of the indigenious people.

They should be proud and grateful of being born and live in Malaysia because the government had never so far implimented any policies which adversely affect their culture and heritage, though still pushing of a common identity of Bangsa Malaysia.Sign boards are multi language, TV programmes are multi language, multi cultural and even to the extent of importing dramas from the respective countries of their ancestors, just to fulfill them "cultural needs".

If we look back in history, the struggle of the French , Italiano, German and even the American in creating their own bangsa, they are using "real politics", which include the systematic eradication of foreign race in order to make the indigenous the "Master of the Land".

(I will continue this post later)

Thursday, May 29, 2008


It is a welcoming act for the government to increase the recipient for PSD (Public Scholarship) for non bumis to 45% instead of just 10% before.After all, it will benefit the nation with more excellent students get to study abroad and come back to Malaysia to improve the situation here and "berbakti kepada negara". If, they ever coming back.

In line with the government's act, they should plan how to keep these scholars to come back to Malaysia and to work here, meaning to serve back to the nation and its people where they, the scholars use their hard earn money so that they get to further their study without any financial burden, so to say.It is very crucial as we can see that year after year, more and more scholars who went abroad to study, stayed there and never to return to Malaysia. This is such a very shameful act, and it is a great loss to the nation.

Like I said earlier, it is welcoming for the government to introduce new scheme which will benefit more students, but the government must consider the fact that while they are opening more opportunities to the non bumis, they should never sacrifice the well being of the bumis.This is what I mean, and I hope no party would eventually think of it as something racist or whatsoever;

The bumis have very little option other than the PSD and MARA.There's not so many other bumiputera organisations which offer full scholarship to the bumis students, while there's a lot of non bumis association which offers funds and scholarships to their sons and daughters.As the government allows more place for the non bumis, the governmnet should strictly consider that the places for bumis students are not decreased.

Yes, some may argue that there's a lot of public and private sectors which offer open scholarship for all Malaysians, which include opportunity for the bumis students, but come on, we do admit that our batch of bumis students still are lacking behind then their non bumis counter part in many aspects.Thus , decreasing their opportunities and possibilities to gain such scholarships.

Never in my intention to question the right for other fellow students of Malaysians to gain public scholarship.I never do.And if anyone thinks that this post is seditious, or "dangerous to the nation's safety", please be free to express your opinions.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Malaysian Malaysia

Malaysian Malaysia- the slogan which brought PAP into fame in 1960s after the formation of Malaysia, the Federation of Malaya, Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak.
It was also the slogan which contributes to the expulsion of Singapore from the Federation of Malaysia.
It was also the slogan of the Democratic Action Party, to the extent that they won in 1969's General Election which later brought teh nation into its much anticipated racial riot of 13th May.
It was a dream of the non-bumis to have the same status as the bumis, especially in governments implementation of policies, which they say favours bumis over non-bumis.
The DAP,Gerakan and PPP has been fighting for this status for decades now; to have Malaysian Malaysia, and abolish the special right of the Bumis especially the ethnic Malays.
This is what I say:
To have a Malaysian Malaysia, which does not differ a Malay with his or her Chinese and Indian counter part, is to have one common identity for all. One Nation, One Race.
But, the Chinese and the Indian has to accept the fact that the Malays want them to "join" the Malays.
The Chinese and the Indian must become like a Malay.This situation is to provide the same identity for all.They have to eat Malay food, speak Malay fluently without slang,and to accept the idea of Sekolah Kebangsaan, to replace with their vernacular school.
Yet, the Chinese and the Indian are still pushing for more vernacular school.How are we going to create one identity for all, if the Chinese and Indian still speaks Malay badly because they were schooled at the vernacular school?Sometime it was rather difficult to communicate with the non bumis because of their poor conversation in Bahasa Malaysia. Communication is so important in building one identity.
Look at Indonesia, the Phillipines, they are years ahead of us in creating their own Bangsa.I salute the Indonesian and the Phillipines for their effort in creating one identity. Even now, when anyone refers to Bahasa Melayu, they will think of Bahasa Indonesia, not Bahasa Malaysia because all of them, 220 millions of them speaks one Bahasa which is Bahasa Melayu Indonesia.They still converse in their own mother tongue at home, with their family but not to the extent that they were fighting for vernacular school and multilingualism in their own country!

I strictly believe that to have a Malaysian Malaysia, these has to be done.

P/S:I apologise if this post make some people felt uneasy, and I do accept conmmentary and opinions from anyone.

Sabah Oh Sabah....

The start of Parliamentary Session this time was so much awaited as there was rumours of BN MPs especially those from Sabah to cross over to Pakatan Rakyat (PR). The PR bloc is just short of 30 more MPs to make them majority and dissolve the Federal Government of Pak Lah. The ousted former Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim, who is now the much anticipated "PM in waiting" was reported to woo Sabah MPs to cross over to PR especially to his party, Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR).

Wednesday, was the day that is touted t be the day when the MPs would cross over to the other bloc.Nothing happened.

The Sabah MPs have been vocal lately to expressed their grouses regarding the matter of Sabah to the extent that they event hinted to cross over, though a couple of the senior MPs, namely Anisah Aman and Abdul Ghapur Salleh denied the rumours that the MPs are crossing over.

Why would they cross over, you'd ask?Here's why:

1.For all of these years, the East Malaysia's MPs of BN had only become the subset to the BN MPs in Parliament, as the BN from Peninsular is much more in numbers. The BN doesn't really need them back then. But after the General Election 2008, the MPs from Sabah and Sarawak is the major factor of the BN to retain as Federal Government.

2.Have you been to Sabah?There are more immigrants then local people there. For decades, immigrants from Indonesia and the Phillipines have been migrating into Sabah without any stern action from the authority.

3.The cost of living over there is slightly higher than in Peninsular, with everyday's groceries is more pricey.Books, stationery,cooking oil, gas,evrything is higher over there but their income is much lesser than us here in Peninsular.

4.Sabah and Sarawak has been contributing very much to Malaysia's economic growth, after all they ae the major producer of Malaysia's petroleum,palm oil and logs.But still they only tasted a piece of the nation's income.

5.There hardly any major effort from the Federal Government to address their grouses and dissatisfaction.

Post the General Election

Prior to General Election 2008

Malaysians are living in slumber motion, there was no much issues to be discussed,except for the rumours of increasing cost of living as day by day teh media was talking about the increase of crude oil price.Though the election mood was picking up, but there's no major controversial issues, apart of the infamous (read:famous) Bersih rally and Hindraf demonstration.

People were guessing when would the Prime Minister, Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi would announce the dissolution of Parliament and the start of the General Election's rally. Amidst speculation that the Premier would dissolve the Parliament on 13th February, as 13 is his favourite number and the General Election would be held on 8th March, the PM still keep it mum.

Then, suddenly here it goes: The Barisan Nasional lost its 2/3 majority in Dewan Rakyat and 5 rich states namely Kedah, Penang, Perak, Selangor and lost its bid to win over Kelantan despite its much anticipated "the Blue Wave". Period.

I was partying hard the night when the General Election results came out. I hoped of getting the news on the MSM the next morning but to my avail, there was hardly any.People were rushing to get the papers and to find out what was going on and what would happen next?There was no parade or procession to celebrate any party's win as it is touted to incite "racial tension".Bah!

Many analysis and commentary were produced to justify one party's win and the other party's loss.Some argue that it was a signal to the Federal Government that the "Makkal Sakthi" or the People's Power or Ketuanan Rakyat is at worked. Some would later contradict that it was merely a protest vote to the Fedearal Government because of the people's unsatisfaction towards government's actions and policies, especially regarding the higher price of daily goods and petrols and also the "racist implementation of the Constitution" which technically favours the Bumiputeras, especially ethnic Malay.Bah!

And here when Tun Mahathir starts to act.

Bombarding Pak Lah with various accusations, even to urge the current Premier to step down as a "responsive acts" because of the dismal performance of the BN in the General Election. The former Premier even went to the extent of playing the racial card when he said that the Malay Supremacy over politics in Malaysia is some kind eroded under Pak Lah's administration.Much of it is true.

Now that Tun Mahathir, the former President of UMNO and BN and the Prime Minister of Malaysia for 22 years has step out of UMNO and BN, what more for us, the Malays specifically and Malaysian generally has to go on with this situation?

Aku sendiri menanti jawapnya...

Sunday, May 25, 2008


Arghhhh!!!!!What's with all these fuss with blogs and all?
What's wrong with these people?
Why don't they just get infos from the MSMs?

So i decided to have one.A blog.Yes.Can you believe it?I finally decided to be one of those people who want to be heard, to be involved and to contribute to this nation we call home, Malaysia.

Not so long before I did accept the fact that here in Malaysia, we would never have the right to speak our mind, the right to make sure that what we thought, what we speak, what we write and what we produce doesn't get "cut, cencored,controlled", or the 3Cs by the authority. I did accept the fact that we had to live with all these draconian acts which enable the government to make sure that Malaysian only get the access to infos from "reliable sources", the MSMs.Yes. I did accept them.But not anymore.

So, to all those fellow bloggers out there, this is the time for us to make an impact to improve the situation in Malaysia.I call for no more secrets, no more "others", no more control over young minds, no more people telling us what to believe, and no more people claiming superiority over others!!!Yes!I believe we can do it!!!!

Hidup Malaysia!!!!